CCTV drain inspections have become an essential tool in the field of plumbing and wastewater management. These inspections involve the use of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras to examine the interior of drain pipes and sewer lines.
The process typically begins with the insertion of a high-resolution camera attached to a flexible cable into the drain or sewer opening. As the camera moves through the pipes, it captures real-time video footage, which is transmitted to a monitor for analysis.

CCTV Drain Inspections


The first step is to prepare the equipment and the site for the inspection. This includes assembling the CCTV camera system. Panozzo Plumbing's highly skilled technicians also need to access the drain or sewer entry point and clear any obstructions that may hinder the camera's movement.


As the camera moves through the pipes, it captures high-resolution video footage of the interior. This real-time video feed is transmitted to a monitor, where our technicians closely observe and analyze the condition of the pipes. They look for signs of blockages, cracks, leaks, tree root intrusions, or any other issues that may affect the drainage system's functionality.


The CCTV camera is inserted into the drain or sewer line. The camera is attached to a flexible cable or rod, which allows it to navigate through the pipes smoothly. Our technicians carefully guide the camera using handheld controls or a remote control system, ensuring it moves steadily through the pipeline.


After the inspection is complete, our technicians review the recorded footage and analyze the findings. We identify any areas of concern, assess the severity of the issues detected, and determine the necessary course of action.
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